Venezuela is a country with a superficial area of about 952.000 square meters, located on the northern coast of South America. It was discovered by Christofer Columbus during his third trip to America when he and his crew reach the shores of today’s country eastern region. The population of Venezuela, approximately 26 millions of people, is mainly Mestizo, which is a mixture of three different races, the white Europeans, the Amerindians who lived in the region before the Spanish conquest the black Africans who were brought form Africa to work as slaves in the old cotton plantation during the first three centuries of the country’s existence. The European immigration in my country occurred in two periods of time or tides. The first one took place when Venezuela was colonized in the beginning of the 16th century, and this wave last over 200 years. The second wave took place after WW II, leading Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Germans, and people from other European nationalities to amass Venezuela as their new country. Thus, this combination of nationalities has resulted in a multicultural society with a diverse heritage background, so nowadays is not easy to find someone under his or her twenties with a homogeneous cultural background.
Apparently, you speed your writing in your blog. Finally, I identify your country, which I am very familiar with before. I admire the president of your country who is so dare that can debate the president of the United States. By the way, I am not sure that if the size of your country is only about 952.000 square meters. Are you sure?
You are right Steven, is not 952.000 square meters, is not even 952 Mkm^2....it is above 912 Mkm^2
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